AutoCAD 2010 Beginner Tutorial
AutoCAD 2010 Beginner Tutorial
Welcome to the
Learning AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2010
Although this guide is designed for instructor-led courses, you can also use it for self-paced learning.
The guide encourages self-learning through the use of the AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT Help system.
This introduction covers the following topics:
Course objectives
Using this guide
Default installation
CD contents
Completing the exercises
Settings for the exercises
Imperial and metric datasets
Notes, tips, and warnings
This guide is complementary to the software documentation. For detailed explanations of features and
functionality, refer to the Help in the software.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:
Navigate the interface, open and close files, and use the Zoom commands to adjust the display of
objects on the screen.
Describe units, function keys, and coordinate systems and create basic objects, using different data
input techniques, object snaps, object snap tracking, polar tracking, and PolarSnap.
Select, modify, and adjust the properties of objects using object grips and the Move, Copy, Rotate,
Mirror, and Array commands.
Create and manage layers and linetypes and obtain geometric information from objects in the
Modify objects by changing their size, shape, orientation, or geometric composition using Trim,
Extend, Offset, Join, and other commands.
Create layouts, and create and manipulate viewports on the layouts.
Create and edit annotation objects using multiline and single line text.
Create, edit, and manage dimensions and dimension styles
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